Thursday, June 30, 2005


Such a fuss rose, again, in the United States among the Afro American leaders, of course, stirred up by the perverse media that comprises Mexican journalists suffering the Anti-Fox Delirium Tremens, because of the issuance of postal stamps by the Government of Mexico to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a most cute, tender and lovable and most popular character that depicts a boy “Memín Pinguin” and his mother “Ma’Linda” that means “Pretty Mom” with Black ascendancy.

Due to the words by Mexican President Vicente Fox that were intentionally misinterpreted and then sent as a bait for the US Black leaders who subsequently bit the whole of it now, every move in regards to the Black people is taken as an offense.

First of all, not all Black population nor Black character is a property of the United States, and/or the US Black leaders and second their baseless rage comes from the lack of knowledge of the history of Mexico.

The Mexican society, a mix of Spanish, Native Indian, Afro, Chinese, Arab, Jew, etc., is ABOVE ALL a REAL MIX. Ours is ONE SOCIETY, not different ethnic groups living in separate neighborhoods. 90% of the Mexican population is MESTIZO. One single individual probably is the recipient of more than 5 or 6 nationalities. It is very common to find in a family, we are speaking of same mom, same dad and five or six children, in all shades of skin color, ranging from ivory white to very dark or black, from straight and blonde hair to curly black hair.

Also, Catholic Christianism was and is a paramount factor: the Mexican society is not taught, by no means, to hate anybody. Much less for being of a different nationality or religious creed. This is inconceivable in the Mexican society, as, again, we Mexicans are MIXED: MESTIZO.

Notions of hate or race superiority are absolutely unknown to and hard to understand for Mexicans.

And the Afro population brought to Mexico back in Century XVI, slowly merged into the Mexican society, and it did so well that these days only very few small villages can be found in the Southeast and Southwest of Mexico where very small groups with very light Afro features live.

Remember The Alamo!
Also,US must know that one of the reasons former Mexican President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna went to fight for the former Mexican state of Texas, was because the US people that was invited to live and work there, had planned ahead to seize the state and re-establish slavery. One of the slave trafickers was Davy Crockett. This was unacceptable for the new-born Mexican nation as one of the reasons it fought for its freedom was, precisely, the abolishing of slavery.

Immediately afterwards the independence of Mexico, the Mexican Government would give free land to the fugitive Afro slave then called “cimarrón” - runaway - that could make it into Mexico. Of course, not many could make it.

The Black slaves were welcome and automatically protected by the Mexican State.- Just as it keeps it doing today: Our laws state that when a person gets into Mexican territory as a slave, for whatever reason, just touching our land, our Constitution makes him/her free and gets the full protection of our State.

So, should the Black leaders had ever taken a minute to know their neighbor south of the border, would never have been taken as an offense by a few simple words said in a rage against the blatant, senseless, cruel and stupid racism that is fed in the formula to the their babies by the Anglo-Saxon society in the land of the braves and the home of the free.

Memin Pinguin character is a Black boy living in extreme poverty with her loving Mother Ma’Linda, and while they lack almost everything, he being a very young boy and while attending school, works in part time jobs to help her and she earns money by laundering the clothes of the neighbors. She is so loving and good-hearted that she earns the hearts of Memin ‘s schoolmates, and their way of seeing life teach us that no matter how hard living is to earn, love will compensate any material lack as long as they have each other.

Memin Pinguin and his mother give a message of love, respect, responsibility and optimism even in the middle of the most extreme poverty. This is a recognition of the human essence of the Afro people.

This is the core of the comic book story of Memin Pinguin. If after knowing the history of the Mexican nation, the universal essence of the Mexican society and the story of Memin Pinguin, the Black leaders consider it offensive, then this will make us wonder what are they, as leaders, fighting for.

Mexico does not know how to be racist. Mexico has not learned hate. These Black leaders should know better.


P.S. Memín = Billy


Se ha levantado tanto alboroto, otra vez, en los Estados Unidos entre los lideres Afro Americanos, y claro, atizados por los perversos medios que incluyen a los periodistas Mexicanos que sufren de la enfermedad “Delirium Tremens Anti-Fox” debido a que el Gobierno Mexicano acaba de imprimir timbres postales para celebrar el 50 aniversario de un personaje simpático, tierno y adorable y muy popular que retrata a un muchachito “Memín Pingüin” y a su mama “Ma’Linda” de ascendencia Africana.

Debido a las palabras que fueron malinterpretadas con toda intención y lanzadas como carnada a los líderes Afro Americanos Estadounidenses que la mordieron completita, ahora todo asunto relacionado con la población Afro se toma como ofensa.

Primero que nada, no toda la población Afro ni todo personaje Afro es propiedad de los Estados Unidos y/o de los lideres Afro y en segundo lugar, este enojo sin fundamente se deriva de la falta de conocimiento de la historia de México.

La sociedad Mexicana es una mezcla de Español, Indio, Afro, Chino, Alemán, Árabe, Judío, etc., y es SOBRE TODO una VERDADERA MEZCLA. La nuestra es UNA SOCIEDAD, no diferentes grupos étnicos viviendo en barrios separados. El 90% de la población Mexicana es MESTIZA. Un solo individuo es probablemente el recipiente de más de 5 ó 6 nacionalidades. Es muy común encontrar en una sola familia verdadera y con ello digo: la misma madre, el mismo padre con 5 ó 6 hijos, todos los tonos de piel que van del blanco marfil hasta el oscuro casi negro, pelo desde el lacio rubio hasta el rizado negro.

También, un factor importantísimo fue y es el Cristianismo Católico, pues la sociedad Mexicana no es enseñada, por ningún motivo, a odiar a nadie. Mucho menos por ser de nacionalidad diferente o de diferente credo religioso. Esto es inconcebible en la sociedad Mexicana, y, de Nuevo, los Mexicanos somos MESTIZOS.

Las ideas de odio o de superioridad de raza son absolutamente desconocidas y difíciles de entender para los Mexicanos.

Y la población Afro traída a México en el siglo XVI, poco a poco se fué fundiendo con la sociedad Mexicana, y se fundió al grado de que actualmente, se pueden encontrar muy pocos pueblitos en el Sureste y Suroeste México, donde viven pequeños grupos con rasgos Afro.

Recuerden El Álamo!
También, una de las razones por las que el Presidente Mexicano Antonio López de Santa Anna fue a pelear por el estado de Texas, fué porque los ciudadanos Estadounidenses a los que se les invitó a vivir y trabajar ahí, tenían planeado con anticipación apoderarse del estado y reestablecer la esclavitud. Muchos de ellos eran traficantes de esclavos como Davy Crockett.- Esto era inaceptable para la recién nacida nación Mexicana ya que una de las banderas por las que luchó por su libertad para fue, precisamente, la de abolir la esclavitud.

Inmediatamente después de la independencia de México, el Gobierno Mexicano le regalaba tierra a aquel esclavo Afro fugitivo que era llamado “cimarrón”, que lograba escapar hacia territorio Mexicano. Por supuesto, no fueron muchos.

Los esclavos Afro, por lo tanto, eran bien recibidos y protegidos por el Estado Mexicano. Justo como lo sigue haciendo hasta estos días, ya que cualquier persona que entra al país como esclavo, por la razón que sea, solo al tocar nuestra tierra, nuestra Constitución lo libera y le da toda la protección del Estado.

Así que, si los lideres Afro se tomaran un minuto para conocer a su vecino inmediato al sur de la frontera, nunca hubieran tomado como ofensa unas simples palabras dichas con pasión contra la descarada, insensible, cruel y estúpido racismo que se alimenta a la niñez por la sociedad Anglo-Sajona en la tierra de los valientes y el hogar de los libres.

Memin Pinguin es un personaje de un niño Afro que vive en extrema pobreza con su amorosa madre Ma’Linda, y aunque carecen de lo básico económicamente hablando, siendo el todavía un niño y que asiste a la escuela, se las ingenia para trabajar al mismo tiempo y ayudarla mientras que ella se gana la vida lavando ropa ajena. Ella es tan amorosa y de tan dulce que se gana la admiración de los compañeros de escuela de Memín y ambos nos enseñan que aunque la vida sea difícil, el amor compensa cualquier necesidad material mientras se tengan uno al otro.

Memín y su madre dan un mensaje de amor, de respeto, de responsabilidad y optimismo aun en medio de la mas extrema necesidad. Y esto es un reconocimiento de la esencia humana del pueblo Afro.

Esta es la esencia del personaje Memin Pinguin. Si después de conocer la historia de la nación Mexicana, la esencia universal de la sociedad Mexicana y la historia de Memin Pinguin, los lideres Afro todavía lo consideran ofensivo, entonces hay que preguntarse de que se trata el ser un buen líder.
Mexico no sabe ser racista. México no ha aprendido a odiar. Y los lideres Afro Americanos lo deberian de saber.


Friday, June 24, 2005


  • Yesterday, the spokesman of the White House, Scott McLellan issued a statement in the sense that the US Government is considering to make harder the steps to halt illegal immigration through the Mexican border.

    The reason given by the United States is that terrorists might get into their territory among those immigrants, and that they could be a real threat for their homeland security.

    And even when the illegal immigration flow started due to the series of insurmountable barriers set by the US Government to grant working visas, up to this minute, as far as we know, none of the illegal immigrants either Mexican, Salvadoran, Guatemalan, Chinese, Korean, etc., has ever committed any terrorism act in US soil.

    According to information by the US media, the alleged perpetrators of the horrible 9/11 attack, had legal documents and their migratory status was in full compliance with the laws of that country.

    Nevertheless, the hardening of the steps in the border crossings are growing inhumane every time as to endanger the lives of the men and women whose sin is to go and search their “Promised Land” for a better life and that is not fair in any context at all.

    Now, if we analyze all these elements, we dare to suggest the strategists of the US Homeland Security and the Economy Committee of the Congress and the Migratory Authorities the following:
  • To ease as much as possible the requirements for the granting of working visas.- It is an undeniable fact that the illegal immigration flow will never stop, no matter what.
  • By having the record of everyone that crosses into the US to get a job, there will be a better control of his origin, stay, and movements within the city, the state and the country. And in a given moment, citizenship could be granted to the one who requests it and earns it.

All these workers make a huge contribution with their job to the enrichment of the United States and unavoidably, will be the ones to help in a great part to the payment of the retirement pensions of their senior citizens, the current and the future ones.

These three simple points if well analyzed, worked, combined and implemented will be the longed-for remedy to their deep headache of the fear of Trojan horses in the US.

And at the same time, it will soothe the wide-spread psychosis of the US citizens, especially in the State of Texas, that regard the illegal immigration as a “tool” of a complot by the Mexican Government to “seize back” the territory that, once upon a time, was a part of Mexico. --- Sure, the lion is always suspecting everyone has his same intentions ---

Isn’t this is a most simple remedy? Or, is it about something else?



The lady correspondent of The Financial Times in Mexico must be about to get a most juicy prize for her tireless and intrepid efforts to attack right and left the government of President Vicente Fox and now, following her “colleague” – by the way, also a foreigner Olga Wornat - against his family.

It would be interesting if a collector of rare things would compile all the furious attacks by this foreign correspondent published in that English paper, against the first democratically elected government in Mexico.

But it would much more interesting the compilations of all the results of all the investigations her slanders have caused: President Fox and his family have come out clean. But said correspondent does not publish them.

What a strange way to make “journalism”, isn't it ? One wonders whether this “journalist” attended the same school and maybe the classroom of the fifth-class gossiper Olga Wornat. If not, it seems so.

The same style, the same intentions and the same objectives. Coincidence?

Now, getting back to the prize that for sure awaits this foreign correspondent, we do not know yet whether it will come from the paper she has so eagerly devoted to lower to the category of a tabloid, a much loved style by the English people, or from her group of comrades in the bohemian life of the cantinas or from her other group of comrades of the PRD, as she is their willing “international” striking tool.

When she reaches the goal set to her by one of those groups, we will know.

Insisting once more, if she only had a gram, just one gram of honesty she would publish the results that have exploded and keep exploding at her very own face.



It is a real pity that a so high level politician as the Secretary of State of the United States, Condoleezza Rice, had issued the so senseless comments criticizing the Mexican Police pointing at it as the main obstacle in the fight against drug-traffic in our country.

It would be very convenient that the Foreign Affairs Secretary or the Interior Secretary would make sure to place in the very hands of Ms. Rice, the long, long list of names of the so many brave Mexican Policemen that have lost their lives in the fight against drug-traffic.

Said comments aside of being offensive to Mexico as a country, its institutions and the police itself, do hurt all the families of those brave men and the long, long list of orphans that have lost their fathers due to the criminal activities caused by the deep-rooted and spread drug-addiction among the US citizens.

It is hard to chose either to believe she is acting in ill will or by a total lack of information, this last one unacceptable for the high position she holds.
