Thursday, March 31, 2005


The PRD currently acting as the office that handles the strategy for the deception plan to try to cheat all of México. (Unsuccessfully) has now moved to another arena: The international one.

In their furious frustration because justice is approaching Lopez Obrador for his proved misdeeds, they do not waste a chance to attack the Federal Government led by Vicente Fox.

This makes us wonder: Will the PRD gang pay the same rates to the Mexican media than to the French media for this campaign??

The lie that Lopez Obrador is the “number one candidate to run for Office" was forged and is being held by the several members of his many gangs by manipulating polls and surveys, only they “miss” to mention that his “super high popularity” rate should apply only to México City. The rest (85 million people) are fed up with this cheap show.



El PRD que ahora actúa como oficina para manejar la estrategia para el plan de engaños para tratar de embaucar a todo México (sin éxito) se ha extendido a otra arena: La internacional.

En su furiosa frustración porque la Justicia se está acercando a López Obrador por sus comprobadas faltas, no pierden oportunidad de atacar al Gobierno Federal encabezado por Vicente Fox ahora utilizando los medios extranjeros también.

Esto nos hace preguntarnos: ¿ Pagará la gavilla del PRD las mismas tarifas a los medios nacionales que a los Franceses por esta campaña?

La mentira de que Lopez Obrador es el “candidato número uno” para la Presidencia, fue forjada y está siendo sostenida por los miembros de su gavilla al manipular las encuestas y al “olvidar” mencionar que su “alta popularidad” aplica únicamente a la Ciudad de México. El resto del país (85 millones de habitantes) están hartos de este circo barato.



Out of desperation at the probable nearness of the presentation of Andrés López Obrador before justice to be hold responsible for his faults combined with stubborness and lack of shame for not having the civil courage to accept his misdeeds, the gang that operates under the label of political party with initials PRD, makes use of one of its many gangs to hammer all day long by every posible media using the nickname of We Will Not Allow It, A.C. (That A.C. meaning Civil Association I can imagine that has the real meaning of Coward Assholes).

López Obrador and his many gangs have been disproved with hard proofs in hand by the authorities again and again, and none of them wants to face the authorities in public.

All they do is to use all bad faith actions : deception, lies, lack of shame, mud, trickery, perfidy, coercion on senior citizens, payment of transportation to movilize “$upporter$”, baseles attacks on the Federal Government, personal attacks to everyone that is on their path, demanding economical cooperation from the employees of the government of the city, oficious self-called journalists lacking every trace of ethic, and the gang members that are part of said party.

There is a saying “Birds of a feather flock together” and this is the case: All those that defend Lopez Obrador giving slaps and blows even against the law, are showing their evil side and cannot be but of the same kind.

You can like somebody a lot but when you try to cheat a whole country (and other countries) in order to cover a crime that happened a long time before the President Vicente Fox took office blaming the President for it, is PURE VILENESS!

And these are they guys that want the power to rule México.- Now we know what can be expected from them!



La desesperación ante la probable proximidad de la presentación de Andrés López Obrador ante la justicia para responder por sus faltas cometidas combinada con la terquedad y desvergüenza de no tener el valor civil de aceptar sus fechorías, la camarilla operando bajo la etiqueta de partido político con las siglas PRD, echa mano de otra de sus gavillas que martillan todo el día por todos los medios de comunicación posible con el mote de No Nos Vamos a Dejar, A.C. ( Ese A.C. en lugar de asociación civil me imagino que significa Asociación de Cabros Enormes).

Se les ha dado desmentido con pruebas en la mano por las autoridades incansablemente, y no han querido ninguno de ellos responder directamente. Se les ha quitado la máscara de su perversidad y aún así se aferran engañando solo a los que no tienen tiempo de examinar y caen en sus garras.

Sólo saben echar mano de todas las acciones de mala fe que pueda haber: engaño, mentira, desvergüenza, lodo, trampa, alevosía, coacción y abuso de las personas de la tercera edad, pago de transportación a los “$impatizante$” ataques sin razón al gobierno Federal, ataques personales a quien se pueda, exigencia de cooperación económica de los sueldos de los empleados del gobierno del Distrito Federal, pseudo-periodistas oficiosos faltos de la mínima traza de pundonor, y los gavilleros que componen ese “partido”.

Dicen que Dios los hace y ellos se juntan, pues este es el caso: Todos esos que lo defienden a manotazos aún en contra de la ley, están enseñando el cobre no pueden ser más que de la misma calaña.

Alguien te puede caer muy bien pero que quieras engañar a todo un país para cubrirle una falta que sí cometió, solo te hace su cómplice. Y además eso sucedió muchísimo antes de que llegara el PAN al poder, echándole la culpa a ellos. ES UNA ASQUEROSIDAD!

Para neutralizar esta nueva asquerosidad en cuanto aparece el comercial, le cambio inmediatamente de canal, para que así lo resienta la televisora. Aclaro, accionar solo en el comercial mencionado.

Los invito a que lo hagan ustedes también y para que agarren la onda todos: el PRD y los medios de que de ya ESTAMOS HASTA LA CORONILLA DE ESOS GAVILLEROS.

¡¡ Y éstos son los que nos quieren gobernar. Ya sabemos qué esperar de ellos !!


Little Complot or Big Complot??? How much?


The above front page news strangely withheld for 14 days, and released only on Monday, arises huge curiosity to know the many rough ways it travelled. It goes against logic.

It would be interesting to find out what el$e additional to this info did Madrazo give this journali$$$t in the reunion he held with her in a restaurante in a hotel in México City.-(*) Don’t you think so?

Or was it worthy the exposing thi$ journali$$$t went through only to have the honor to be a stepping stone for the rising of Lopez Obrador?

Well, $he i$ the only one who can tell. If she ever does. But, she is showing a big $$$MILE. Maybe it did.

(*) Reported by the media.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

¿¿ Complotillo o Complotote ?? De a Cuánto??


Con respecto a la noticia de primera plana retenida por 12 días, despierta mucha curiosidad por saber tantos vericuetos por los que ha pasado. Va contra toda lógica.

Sería interesante saber que fué lo que le dió Madrazo ademá$$$ de la noticia a e$$$a periodi$$$ta en esa junta celebrada en restaurante de un hotel de la Ciudad de México(*).
¿ No creen ?

O valió la pena la quemadota que se dió e$$$ta periodi$$$ta sólo por ser un escalón para el ascenso de Andrés Manuel López Obrador ??

Sólo ella lo $$$sabe. Pero eso $i tiene una sonri$$$ota. Tal vez sí.

(*) Referido por los medios de comunicación.


Monday, March 28, 2005

The Gang of López Obrador is Unstoppable !!!

The, let’s call them, supporters of Andrés Manuel López Obrador are worthy of admiration but a negative admiration. It is unbelievable the extent of submission and discipline they have in regards to this man’s campaign which it can be seen was orchestrated a long time ago.

Whatever phrase, attitude, deed, look, etc., it is magically turned out by them in a tool to hit all the opponents and they make up situations that are easily swallowed only by their fanatical coreligionists.

The actual complot is the one being perpetrated by López Obrador and his cortege of flatterers and liars that diligently throw lies and smear anyone, taking advantage of the freedom of speech they enjoy these days.

Today a journalist by the name of Marcela something, and if I am not wrong, participates in a so-called objective discussion panel in a news tv show, which I stopped watching because just like the correspondent of The Financial Times in México, are willful tools of López Obrador and said panel is more a witches’s sabbath making up ridiculous situations and an endless series of stupidities.

Well, a journalist whose last name is Rangel working for a daily newspaper of México City, published today the news this Marcela tipped off, giving Sr. Santiago Creel, our Minister of the Interior a dressing down with mud, in which it is said that Sr .Creel is in “negotiations” with the PRI national leader Roberto Madrazo, and according to her (Ciro Gómez Leyva program- Another of the same guys!!) it was Madrazo himself who gave her this information. Said “negotiations” do not have a single centimeter of solid base, as they are out of the jurisdiction of the Ministery of the Interior.

It would be convenient to find out what López Obrador gives or promises to all journalists and Intelectuals in México, because if you analize coldly his job, his behavior and his actions, he does not qualify not even for the job of a street sweeper. He's got a full control over them.

MESSRS JOURNALISTS AND INTELLECTUALS: It is fine to label yourselves as Leftist, it is your right, but to let a SMART ALLECK add the label of LACKEYS.- No way!! Where would the condition of Intelectual be left?

Let’s hope this filth be investigated and scraped to the bottom. This cannot be taken superficially since it is smearing the already heavy and dense political ambiance. And it also rolls over several pre-candidates of the PRI who want to run for the Presidency of México. How convenient!

That gang wants to knock down all pins with one ball.

The people of México cannot and must not allow this kind of cheap shows. It cannot be left just like that. And it is quite necessary to be act now.


¡¡ La Pandilla de López Obrador está Imparable !!

Los, llamémosles, simpatizantes de Andrés Manuel López Obrador son dignos de admiración pero de una admiración negativa. Es increíble el grado de sumisión y disciplina que tienen para con la campaña de este señor que se nota fué orquestada desde hace tiempo.

Cualquier frase, actitud, acto, mirada, etc., mágicamente la convierten en una herramienta para golpear a los contrarios e inventar situaciones que solamente sus fanáticos correligionarios se las tragan.

El verdadero complot es el que está haciendo López Obrador con su séquito de lambiscones y mentirosos que oficiosamente reparten mentiras y llenan de lodo a quien sea, aprovechándose de la libertad de expresión de que ahora gozan.

Hoy una periodista de nombre Marcela no se qué, si no me equivoco ella participa en una mesa dizque objetiva, yo le quitaría una “b” a esa palabra, en un programa de televisión que dejé de ver porque igual que el corresponsal de Financial Times en México, son instrumentos vasallos de López Obrador y la mesa en cuestión más bien parece una mesa de aquelarre inventando situaciones ridículas y una serie infinita de taradeces.

Pues bien, un periodista de apellido Rangel de un diario de la Cd. de México publicó hoy una noticia "soplada" por la mencionada Marcela, lanzando una andanada de lodo contra el señor Santiago Creel, Secretario de Gobernación de nuestro país al publicar la noticia de que él está en una serie de sucias negociaciones con Roberto Madrazo el líder nacional del PRI y que según ella (programa de Ciro Gómez Leyva, otroooo!) el mismo Madrazo le dió esta información. Las "negociaciones" no tienen un centímetro de base sustentable porque todas ellas están fuera de la jurisdicción de la Secretaría de Gobernación.

Pues hay qué investigar qué les da o qué les tiene prometido López Obrador a todos los periodistas e intelectuales de México, porque si fríamente se analiza su trabajo, su comportamiento y sus acciones, este señor no califica ni para barrendero. Y es muy fuerte el dominio que tiene sobre ellos.

SEÑORES PERIODISTAS E INTELECTUALES: Etiquetarse de Izquierdistas está muy bien y están en su derecho, pero que un VIVALES les agregue la etiqueta de LACAYOS. Pues noooooooo.- ¿En donde quedaría la INTELECTUALIDAD?

Ojalá que se investigue a fondo esa porquería que publicaron. Esto no puede tomarse a la ligera pues ensucia mucho más el ya de por sí pesado y denso ambiente político. Y de paso se lleva entre las patas a varios de los pre-candidatos del PRI a la Presidencia de la República.

Esta camarilla quiere hacer: ¡¡ Chuza !!

El pueblo de México no puede ni debe permitir estos circos donde se tiran inmundicias así como así. No es de gentes.

Esto debe investigarse hasta las últimas consecuencias. No puede quedar así. Y en este momento es indispensable que así sea.


Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sheikh Ahmed Yassin Posted by Hello


c.1936-March 22,2004.

One year today of his coward killing by the Zionist Government of Israel in the most cruel way.

Men like these live forever in the minds and the hearts of all the people who are on the side of Justice.

Every arrival of Spring will remind us of his life devoted to free his country, to help his people and his sacrifice but will also tell us of his eternal living memory. No wonder his killing coincides with the one of Christ, both perpetrated by the same people in the Holy Land.


Monday, March 21, 2005

Mexican Journalism Should React

It is a true pity that the Mexican Journalism having so many intelligent elements who love to label themselves as “Leftist” have fallen at the feet of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

It is quite understandable that all of them have the right to express their political preferences and to speak them out and they are doing it like they have never done before in México, under the mandate of President Vicente Fox. They are tasting freedom of speech for the first time.

But the bottom line here is that many of them are using their journalist job not to present things with objectivity but with a stressed support to a deceptive, opportunist and sly man.

I hope they would not let him use them. They are far more intelligent than that.


El Periodismo Mexicano Debe Reaccionar

Es una verdadera pena que existiendo tantos elementos tan inteligentes entre el periodismo Mexicano al que le encanta etiquetarse a sí mismo como de Izquierda haya caído a los pies de Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Estamos de acuerdo en que todos tienen derecho a tener sus preferencia políticas y a externarlas y lo están haciendo como nunca se había visto en México bajo el mandato del Presidente Vicente Fox. Están probando la libertad de expresión por primera vez.

Lo que si es preocupante que muchos de ellos utilizan su trabajo de periodistas no para presentar las cosas objetivamente sino con marcado apoyo a un señor mentiroso, oportunista y aprovechado.

Ojalá que no se dejaran utilizar. Tienen inteligencia para eso y mucho más.



Al llegar a su segundo aniversario la invasión ilegal del pueblo soberano de Irak, la “coalición” encabezada por los Estados Unidos continúa el espantoso genocidio sin que nada ni nadie pueda ponerles un alto.

El sabado 19 de marzo, en la ciudad de Tall Afar, el heróico ejército de los Estados Unidos bombardeó – como siempre – una serie de casas-habitación para doblegar a la Resistencia Irakí.- Las fuentes de los hospitales de esa ciudad reportaron que entre los muertos se contaron 32 niños y entre las 14 mujeres muertas 5 de ellas estaban embarazadas.

Así que las fuerzas de los Estados Unidos continúan acumulando glorias militares y repartiendo medallas a manos llenas a los valientes soldados que cometen este genocidio sin nombre.

Esta si que es una misión descaradamente con el único fin de asesinar. Sin duda alguna.

Me pregunto si los altos mandos militares con todo y sus 4 estrellas y de menor rango estarán orgullosos de estas victorias militares en esta clase de guerra. ¿Tendrán el valor de contarles a sus nietos sus grandiosos logros en esta "guerra"?



Upon reaching its second anniversary the illegal invasion of the sovereign country of Iraq, the "coalition" led by the United States continues the horrifying genocide without nothing or nobody being able to stop it.

Last Saturday March 19, in the city of Tall Afar, the heroic army of the United States bombed - as usual - civilian neighborhoods to force the Iraqi resistance to surrender. The sources of the town hospitals reported that among the dead 32 were children and among the 14 dead women 5 were pregnant.

So, the forces of the United States continue accumulating military glories and distributing medals by the handful to the brave soldiers that perpetrate this unmentionable genocide.

This is a mission with the shameless goal of murder. No doubt.

I wonder if the top brass with all their 4-stars and below are proud of this kind of combat. Will the current military have the courage to tell their grandchildren of their grand accomplishes in this "war"?


Friday, March 18, 2005



It is now two years that we, citizens of the world, started to and still keep watching with horror the gang of thieves who like vultures are still feasting the murder and the bloodbath they are perpetrating every minute in the most repulsive way: attacking the innocents with the most brutal war machinery ever.

The “Coalition” led by the USA should already be facing charges filed by the so many attorneys at international law and civil organizations for the worst capital crime (the invasion) from which genocide and many other crimes stem.

Another was the murder of the grandson of President Saddam Hussein, Qusay, who was only 14 years old. Scarcely reported by the mainstream media.

Whoever is behind this “New World Order” goes beyond all that. Those are eagerly seeking and carrying out the following Crimes to Humankind :

The destruction of the UN by rendering it as weak and worthless before the eyes of the international community

The grabbing of the oil fields of Iraq

The promotion of annihilation between Islamism and Christianity,

The grabbing of the land of Iraq to achieve the expansion and establishment of the “Greater Israel”,

Destruction and looting of precious heritage of the first and greatest ancient civilization.

Brutal murder of President Saddam Hussein's sons and grandson. This was meant to end his family name.

As venerated as it is the dignity and chastity of Iraqi women, the US Army (male and female) personnel was instructed to assault them indecently. This personnel happily participated in this crime.

The genocide that is “helping” to cleanse the land for its future inhabitants,

And the one on-going aggression being committed with the firm and determined acceptance of the very people and society of the “leading” country:

The destruction of the American Empire by carrying out these steps:

The destruction of the economical empire of the United States.
The isolation of the United States as the most hated society of our time.
The emasculating of its own military by making of their own soldiers common and impious murderers of women and children and calling these abuses “glorious military victories”.
The control of poor population by sending their poor young boys and girls of the United States to the frontlines to get killed.
The sacrifice of the life of these young boys and girls for the sake of those "whoever".
The breaking of the spirit of the United States as a people when faced by the horrific deeds and crimes it endorsed will wake up to shame, pain and despair .
The final humiliation is that the United States fell to the condition of a proxy servant to do the "dirty work" for others.

The “New World Order” is shaking the whole planet to the very core and every bit of dust on it, but the outcome for the gang of aggressors seems to be a blowback. An unplanned, unexpected and most painful one: Defeat.

One of the shameless thief already fell: former Prime Minister of Spain.

The Thieves of Baghdad are still committing their crimes with no regrets and no restrictions nor respect but let us hope that Justice will fight hard to make its way and will make up for the dead, the injured, the humiliated and the displaced ones.

The Armageddon war is being taken place and the Beast together with the Great Harlot will be thrown back into the sea where they came from. It is the people of Iraq all alone and orphan the one to fight the invaders and set their homeland free. And they will with the help of God.

The worst is yet to come, when the American people find out who the real benefit of this “New World Order” is for at their own expense. Let us pray for it is not too late.

But this sin of Iraq the world will never forget.
