Thursday, March 31, 2005


Out of desperation at the probable nearness of the presentation of Andrés López Obrador before justice to be hold responsible for his faults combined with stubborness and lack of shame for not having the civil courage to accept his misdeeds, the gang that operates under the label of political party with initials PRD, makes use of one of its many gangs to hammer all day long by every posible media using the nickname of We Will Not Allow It, A.C. (That A.C. meaning Civil Association I can imagine that has the real meaning of Coward Assholes).

López Obrador and his many gangs have been disproved with hard proofs in hand by the authorities again and again, and none of them wants to face the authorities in public.

All they do is to use all bad faith actions : deception, lies, lack of shame, mud, trickery, perfidy, coercion on senior citizens, payment of transportation to movilize “$upporter$”, baseles attacks on the Federal Government, personal attacks to everyone that is on their path, demanding economical cooperation from the employees of the government of the city, oficious self-called journalists lacking every trace of ethic, and the gang members that are part of said party.

There is a saying “Birds of a feather flock together” and this is the case: All those that defend Lopez Obrador giving slaps and blows even against the law, are showing their evil side and cannot be but of the same kind.

You can like somebody a lot but when you try to cheat a whole country (and other countries) in order to cover a crime that happened a long time before the President Vicente Fox took office blaming the President for it, is PURE VILENESS!

And these are they guys that want the power to rule México.- Now we know what can be expected from them!


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